
Emy Rae

Pacific north-west native. Feels 500 years older than she looks. Was raised by a Norwegian, Middle-Eastern belly dancer. Not Funny. Accidentally joined a gang once… or twice?  What color is my hair? Has imposter’s syndrome. Champagne. Psychological horror. Is obsessed with rabbits. Nearly drowned in a 2-inch puddle. English Literature Major. Sleepy. Final Fantasy half-sleeve. Tries to be environmentally woke. Proficient in standing very still in front of things for extended periods. Had fleas. Trusts most strangers holding a DSLR camera. Tattoos badly. Owns a rather large taxidermied black bear. Ideal date night: Playing an RPG alone in the dark.





In a post-apocalyptic world nearly entirely scorched by fire-rain, you and your partner have been assigned as terraformers to heal the continents of Uvu and Zuhhaar. Encounter curious characters and unexpected events as you learn about the reality of the fantasy world in which you reside…