JULY 7TH, 2022


Are you in the mood for a grimy, unforgiving pixel-art PVE in which you square off against all manner of abominable bosses? You’ll find the challenge you crave in Fowl Scourge, the upcoming action RPG from Void Cup Games.

I had never heard of Void Cup Games before, but after sampling their deliciously dark demo of Fowl Scourge, I was dying to know more.

Only three people are credited with Fowl Scourge’s creation, which makes the culmination of their efforts all the more impressive. Artist JustHellygar and programmer ButteredCoffee have joined forces before in games like Stone Soul and Piston Knight, but this time they’ve teamed up with composer and sound designer Benimaru as well. The result is a gothic-inspired RPG that provides gruesomely detailed graphics and challenging, combat-focused gameplay.

As a plague doctor named Erwin, your job is to take on missions posted at the Plague Birds Guild. Make harrowing house calls and risk life and limb in the basements, sewers, and other dark corners of a medieval fantasy world as you “treat” the victims of a horrifying disease. Combat biohazardous monsters by hurling flasks of acid and avoiding your enemies’ infectious attacks. Conquering these mutated patients requires focus, timing, and some fancy footwork, but if you can make it out alive, you’ll be handsomely rewarded. Use your earnings to upgrade your health and stamina back at guild headquarters to increase your chances for your next field assignment. I’m eager to test my skills and see what other weapons we’ll be able to employ in the final release!

Although the demo for Fowl Scourge is currently available on Steam, we can only speculate about the game’s launch date, since the page simply states that it’ll be released ‘when it’s done’. I can certainly appreciate the developers’ transparency—and honestly, isn’t a finished and fully playable game what the people really want these days?

Good things come to those who wait, and as far as I can tell, Void Cup GamesFowl Scourge is definitely going to be worth it.



Emily Reynolds